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Charles Burns's Black Hole: The Fantagraphics Studio Edition cover image
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Charles Burns

Charles Burns's Black Hole: The Fantagraphics Studio Edition

On sale date: December 5, 2017

This showcases original art from one of the most seminal graphic novels of the 20th and 21st centuries.

This Fantagraphics Studio Edition showcases Burns's original art for the book, featuring exact reproductions of over 150 of Burns's original pages, at their actual size. While appearing to be in black & white, each page has been scanned in full color to retain the integrity and fidelity of the actual original art, warts and all. It includes several full chapters from the book as well as selected excerpts that showcase Burns's impeccable sense of design, composition, and execution. Hypnotically beautiful and horrifying, Black Hole is a genuine American classic and this is the closest most of us will ever get to sitting in the author's studio.

Due to low stock and shipping restrictions, this item is not included in our Cyber Monday sale.

Charles Burns's Black Hole: The Fantagraphics Studio Edition is part of the Fantagraphics Studio Editions series.
Our web store won't be receiving any more stock of Charles Burns's Black Hole: The Fantagraphics Studio Edition, but you may be able to find it from a site like Indiebound or Bookshop, or at your local independent bookstore.


Black and white
16.7" × 21.5"