Due to increased sales volume during our Fantabucks Sale, orders placed between March 21 and March 23 are subject to additional delays and will not begin shipping until March 26. Thank you for your patience as we work through these orders.

Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery

Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery
1201 South Vale Street (at Airport Way S.)
Seattle, WA 98108
Mon. – Sat 11:30 – 8
Sun 11:30 – 5
Call for holiday hours

If you live in or plan to visit the great Pacific Northwest, be sure to visit our very own storefront, simply called the Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery, in the happenin’ Seattle neighborhood of Georgetown. The culmination of a years-long dream, the store opened in October 2006, with a grand opening celebration held on December 2 of that year (and swinging anniversary parties each year thereafter). The store contains everything Fantagraphics has in print (as well as our adult imprint Eros Comix), including exclusive merchandise, plus a selection of the best alternative comics from our fellow publshers and other surprises! It also houses our hallowed Damaged Room, featuring heavily discounted and often out-of-print books unavailable anywhere else. (And vinyl junkies be warned: the Bookstore shares space with Georgetown Records, a Seattle record-collectors’ mecca. And it is just a short stroll from some of Seattle’s best and most beloved coffee shops, taverns, eateries and art spaces.) The space also has room for art exhibitions, with a new exhibit mounted about once a month. We also host readings, screenings, music and other performances.
