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Ellen Forney

Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life

On sale date: May 15, 2018

In the follow up to her acclaimed Marbles, Forney writes and draws a guide for people with mood disorders.

Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life is the eagerly awaited sequel/companion book to Forney's 2012 best-selling graphic memoir, Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me. Whereas Marbles was a memoir about her bipolar disorder, Rock Steady turns the focus outward, offering a self-help guide of tips, tricks and tools by someone who has been through it all and come through stronger for it.


"Forney's writing is unpretentious, occasionally goofy and manifestly replete with love for her fellow humans. Her art is full of love, too; her rich, swooping line seems to cradle the reader's eye. … This nuts-and-bolts coping book manages to transcend its category and become something even non-depressed readers will enjoy." — NPR Books

"A broadly accessible work, Rock Steady advances understanding and acceptance of mood disorders and does as much as can be done to defang a terrifying beast. ... Forney, who's lived through all this, explains it with the patience of a wise older sister." — Forbes

"Rock Steady is a balanced, uncluttered resource, infused with empathy, humor, and encouragement. This guide is mental health literacy at its best, making it a must-read for those with mood disorders and their loved ones, health professionals, and anyone looking to gain a greater understanding of an often misunderstood but common condition." — Publishers Weekly

"Rock Steady is truly a must-read for anyone who struggles with a mental disorder or someone who finds comfort in daily structure. Forney addresses readers with the tone of a caring friend, and her approach will likely make her fans eager for more grounding advice." — Booklist

"Rock Steady is a heartfelt guide to staying calm and centered in moments of emotional crisis." — The Seattle Review of Books


Paperback / Softback
Black & white.
6.1" × 9"