Brooklyn: Eleanor Davis at Desert Island

How to Be Happy
Monday, Monday, Monday! Eleanor Davis is giving her LAST performance of the How to Be Happy tour at Brooklyn comic shop, Desert Island, 7-9m. You may have gotten your book signed at Brooklyn Book Festival but you haven't L I V E D until you've seen Eleanor give her talk on the relationship of art and the artist. 
How to be Happy Eleanor Davis 
How to Be Happy is a New York Times Best Selling book that we are already reprinting! Here's what some critics have recently said about Eleanor's fine work:
"…her stories often feature tremendous longing and sadness, but they also lushly suggest what a blessing it is to be alive and in the world. She presents, in short, a more realistic picture of what it means to be a human, with our ever-present mind/body tug-of-war, than almost anyone else out there making art." – Hillary Brown, BoingBoing 

"That's Davis' sensibility. In her roundabout way, she dramatizes not the prospect of happiness, but the promise of it. Her natural territory is found in all the funny and tragic effects of that promise." – Etelka Lehoczky, NPR

So get in a cab or in the subway car and head to Desert Island Comics, they've got that fancy new Jim Woodring sign! 
Desert Island Desert Island
540 Metropolitan Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211