Nudnik Revealed! by Gene Deitch – Cover & Excerpt

Nudnik Revealed! by Gene Deitch

In just a few weeks Gene Deitch's Nudnik Revealed! will hit shelves and animation fans will not want to miss it. Deitch, a living legend in the animation field, created a series of theatrical shorts in the mid-1960s starring a prototypical lovable-loser type, Nudnik. The series lasted one "season" of 12 episodes and garnered an Oscar nomination. Now, for the first time, Deitch has delved into his archives and gathered all of the artwork he produced for the cartoons into this oversized coffee-table art book, along with his own entertaining commentary. We were thrilled to have Gene himself on hand to debut the book at Comic-Con last month; if you didn't get a copy there, here's a peek at some of the contents (embedded below or downloadable), and you can pre-order here.