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Steven Weissman

Chocolate Cheeks

On sale date: February 28, 2010

Anything can happen on a hot, summer day…
Hilarious, frightening, mysterious, adorable and utterly bleak, Chocolate Cheeks has arrived to disgust and delight comic-book readers of all ages. "Sweet" Chubby Cheeks and the Pullapart Boy (a twenty-first century Frankenstein's monster for kids) are driving each other crazy. Forced together by their dating parents, these two bitter enemies have alienated—or otherwise disposed of—most of their social circle, leaving them with plenty of quality-time for each other. They go camping, start a business, form a band, join a team, try to make some new friends and engage in a "holy war." Things go from worse to worst, though, when the two boys find a cat—or is it a bird?—one hot, summer day.

Steven Weissman, modern master of light tragedy, is at his most horrible with Chocolate Cheeks, the next great "Yikes" book from Fantagraphics. Juxtaposing gag-driven, newspaper-fashioned strips with a sprawling, Western comic aesthetic, the book is just gross enough to delight the children.


"Classic kid comics are evoked with a weird, horror-inspired twist in the latest Yikes! collection... Weissman has a knack for combining the cute with the eerie and the unsettling, and the art — presented in both b&w and color — is outstanding." — Publishers Weekly

"The book reminds me a bit of my childhood memories, where one gives nicknames to everyone and everything, and the smallest events become epic journeys. Chocolate Cheeks is a fun read, recommended to anyone who is interested in art prints or comic books." — Steven Swigart

"Weissman's stories are childlike and fantastic; in terms of fantasy literature, the stories are subject to the kind of flights of whimsy found in L. Frank Baum." — Small Press


Paperback / Softback
Full color.
7.6" × 7.6"