Walt Disney's Goofy: Super Goof and the Strange Case of Dr. Syclocks cover image
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Paul Murry, Bob Ogle, Vic Lockman

Walt Disney's Goofy: Super Goof and the Strange Case of Dr. Syclocks: Disney Masters Vol. 27

On sale date: July 8, 2025

Super Goof… a strange dog-man-thing possessing super-peanut-powers! Disney’s caped hero in red flannel underwear is back by popular demand, flying after fearsome foes in a complete graphic novel collection of Paul Murry’s Silver Age super-tales! Gawrsh!

The year: 1965! When Goofy gulps a peanut from his “super goober” garden, there’s a super puff of smoke—and our hapless hero gets the powers of super X-ray vision, super speed, and super strength!

With his ear-splitting cry of “Tuh-duh!” Super Goof battles bad guys across the globe—including sinister Dr. Syclocks, the Tower of Pisa-stealing Super Thief, a freeze-dried Dr. Tempo, and the Beagle Boys, all out to kidnap and resell an entire zoo (super-scoop: it’s harder than it looks!).

Silver Age fan-favorite artist Paul Murry brings us his full run of adventures from Super Goof plus select later issues, some never reprinted. Follow Mickey Mouse on his pal’s heroic trail—and never, ever, underestimate the power of a Goof!


7.8" × 10.6"